May 31, 2012

Gunnels and Sculpins and Bloodworms, oh my!

Our field trip to Second Beach was blessed with blue skies and warm weather, but the hoquat teacher got sunburned.  However, the kids had so much fun learning from their own personal Marine Science Education Coordinator, the Seattle Aquarium's Karen Matsumoto, and their own personal Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary Education and Outreach Specialist, Jacqueline Laverdure.  There's nothing like going to tidepools with scientists!

May 30, 2012

Cedar headbands

Graduation and Matriculation
This is a time of celebration.  However, it means losing my awesome 8th graders.... sniff, sniff.  The cedar headbands and eagle feathers signify pride and achievement, and I am proud of all my 8th graders, but I have to let them go too.  Sniff.  :(

Time to start making headbands!

Some are teaching others.

Some are experts.

Others like playing with knives.

Gaspar demonstrates tenacity in creating uniformly-sized strips.

Julia rocks at peeling and thinning the strips.
Cameron tries a new technique of thinning.  Maybe he shouldn't be listening to the hoquat teacher with scarred hands.
Cordell is adept at weaving.  Can he teach it?

Eli, it's tough the first time.
Hey, I can see James Island through that hole.
Lucy and Ethel share their skills.
Lucy and Ethel are always adjacent.
Lucy and Ethel look so much alike; I guess we will have to tell them apart by their skills.

Madison rocks six strips.

Frickin' beautiful.

Nice nails, too.

No holes.  Not easy. 

May 18, 2012

Quileute Elders Day 2012

All purses came with trivia cards made by Middle School.

Eagle emblem made by the talented Keith Penn