January 25, 2012

Lloyd L. Hatch Jr.

We lost our good friend and leader this week.  Our condolences go out to the family of Lloyd Leonard Hatch Jr. of the Tulalip Tribes.  Mr. Hatch was a Marine, a Vietnam veteran, and a twenty-nine-year employee of the school.  He was an invaluable source of strength for students and staff; Mr Hatch kept us on time, on our toes, and on the road safely.  He will be missed.  Below are pictures from Middle School's card to the family.  An obituary can be found here.

PVT Lloyd L. Hatch Jr.
U.S. Marine Corps, 1967 - 1968, b. January 25, 1948 

January 6, 2012

How to Practice for a Spelling Test

When your partner is drilling you for the Spelling test and you're not quite sure if it's "bivouacked" or "bivouaked," it's challenging to keep your eyes from straying onto the notebook.  Julia, Cameron, and Eli model different strategies here.

I look like a dementor here.