January 27, 2011


An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

We should always be prepared for the unexpected. In order to learn about having a "Shelter in Place," browse this website. Proceed through the each part of the Four steps; there are some fun games in there! You should be able to get 100% on this Quiz.
1. Mark this score in your textbook, as well as one of the facts from the game.

2. Play each of these games below. Choose ONE and post a response: Name THREE facts from this game. And was it fun?

a. Memory Game

b. Emergency Kit Quiz

c. Six Important Items for an Emergency

d. Word Search

e. Crossword


  1. For Game C:
    Always keep daytime numbers of our important contacts!

  2. These are pretty fun activities! A good reminder to be prepared. For students of all ages to be aware and help parents. Hope they find it interesting!

  3. I thought it all was pretty stupid I didn't like it.It was boring..

  4. I learned from the matching game that you need mittens and a scarf. And a flashlight.And a weather radio.That was very helpful.

  5. 1. it teaches u memory 2.what u need for a emergency 3.what to do when thires a emergerncy

  6. i learned from the cross word pussle that i need to stay calm and u need to have water and plastic sheeting 4 a emergency

  7. katherine ward-blackJanuary 31, 2011 at 1:34 PM

    i thought it was ughhhhhhhhhh pretty cool .. but it was realllly boring

  8. the match game helped me memorize what things i needed in case of an emergency...other than that i thought it was kinda boring o,well

  9. i also learned that i need 1. flares 2.sleeping bags.3.flash lights

  10. and wut to bring flash lint ,a dlacit,a lintr to mack a fiar,
